You've heard of Pop Psychology, but Pop Management is just as harmful. The unqualified and inexperienced shouldn't be trusted with either!
Promoted vs Supported
Management is a very important role, and one that people are often promoted into, rather than supported into. Being good at your job does not necessarily mean that you will be a good manager. Promotion and Management are not part of a natural progression. Becoming management can often lead to an erosion of existing skills, an increased feeling of being out of one's depth, and it can also lead to a feeling of isolation from the very team you are supposed to manage.
Fake it 'til you Make it!
If people are not given the training and support they need in order to step into a challenging management role, they will be under pressure to act the part, because they don't really know what they should be doing.
Management Jargon and Despair!
The management manuals are skimmed through, without truly grasping the concepts behind them, and the management jargon starts flowing - often with little substance to back it up.
In that respect, being promoted to management is kind of like becoming a first time parent, but a single parent. New managers will be under constant scrutiny, but get very little support.
Pop Culture
If you want a bunch of pop-managers to run your business, then go ahead. Promote them and watch them sink or swim whilst you stand by the side-lines and judge. But if you want good solid managers to further your vision for the company and to foster strong teams, then give them the necessary training and support. You get out what you put in. There's a bit of pop psychology for you!
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