Monday 9 May 2016

Results over Process, or Process over Results... Managing the Balance


In my first sales job, the company micromanaged the process. They had it all the stats figured out and the process was a pure numbers game. If you do X number of cold calls per day, you will get Y number of new customers. Simples. So, you had to tally up your cold calls for the day, and you could stop when you reached that magic number. If that didn't yield the expected results, you were put on probation, because it was assumed that you hadn't done the number of cold calls that you claimed. Again - Simples. They removed the human element and reduced sales ability to pure statistics. As far as they were concerned, anyone could be a good sales person, they simply had to follow the programme.

Were they wrong? Not entirely. Were they right? Partly.

Repetitive action (habit, perseverance, or whatever you may want to call it) in the wrong direction is still wrong. You just get better at being wrong.

Repetitive action in the right direction is still right. You get better at being right.


In our previous example, where statistics rule, there is no such thing as a bad manager. The success of the team was purely as a result of following strict processes. The manager was the stick who made sure that you were following the rules, and the financial bonus was the carrot.

The Emotional, the Hands-off, the Micro-Manager and the Entrepreneurial Manager

I have worked for all of the above, and I have learned so much from each of them.

The Emotional Manager 

No Process, and results are a matter of chance

They say you should do one thing today, and then the opposite tomorrow. They have no clear strategy or process, and therefore no clear parameters for measuring performance or attributing praise or blame. They would be better off in a team of one.

The Hands-off Manager

Some Process, and the results are in your hands

They will let you succeed (or fail) on your own terms. They may or may not have benchmarks for measuring success / failure, and they may or may not have procedures in place. Working for someone like this is the next best thing to being self-employed. Go forth and experiment.

The Micro-Manager

I am the process, and the results are all my doing

It's my way or the highway. This person does not welcome feedback on the system (or lack of). Just do as they say (and not necessarily as they do), and even then, they will take the credit for everything.

The Entrepreneurial Manager

Process is evolutionary, results are understood, and the team is central to that

This is really the holy grail of management styles. Usually this person runs their own business and they are very much a part of the business. If you have hopes of working for yourself one day, this is the best person to learn from and to collaborate with. You can question this person and be assured that they will have sound and balanced business reasons behind what they do and why they do it. You can trust them to put process, quality and results on an equal footing and you can recommend them with confidence to your network. They harness the collective expertise of their team and place a great deal of value on it.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Business Process Solutions: Technology can fix it - If you know what the problem is

A new IT system could transform your business. It would be like taking a pill and the problem is gone. You think I'm being sarcastic, right? Well, actually, I'm serious. Maybe a new IT system could transform your business like a pill. Let's explore that analogy a bit further.

It's all in the diagnosis

For a doctor to prescribe medication, they need to make a diagnosis in order to give you the right pill. The more information they have the better. You have to be honest with them about your symptoms, and you may have to submit to tests. This is not too dissimilar to the process of inviting a business consultant into your business for them to 'diagnose' your business and prescribe a system (whether that be a new IT system or simply some new ways of working).

Getting a consultant in may be necessary in terms of the time and commitment it takes to analyse your own business, but it could also be an exercise in passing the buck. If the consultant can't fix your business, then you can blame them. This is where the similarities in the analogy end.

Work to make it work

Unlike taking a pill for an illness, changing the way you and your business works requires work from you. The consultant or the new system can only give you the tools and show you the way. They cannot do it for you.

The first stage of business process change is actually one that you would benefit from doing yourself.

Observation doesn't change a thing - but it makes all the difference

Have you ever started a new exercise regime or gone on a diet? If you engage the services of a personal trainer, the first step - before you do any exercise or change your diet - is to keep a food and exercise diary for a week or two. This is so the personal trainer can get an idea of your lifestyle and tailor a programme around you that will give you a greater chance of success. This process is also highly beneficial to you. It will give you a clearer look at your lifestyle so you can understand yourself better. Maybe you eat less fruit than you realised? Or maybe your eating is triggered by certain triggers that you hadn't identified before. All of that information is extremely valuable, and it didn't cost you a thing to get it.

Document the past - Don't live in it

Whether your existing business process is good or bad, you must document it. Even if it simply serves as a 'How Not To Do It' guide for future reference. If you can see what you're doing clearly you - or another expert - can identify possible solutions. It can be easy to get nostalgic about the good old days and the good old ways when the new ways hit teething problems. Having your systems documented, along with the problems faced and the solutions needed, will keep you focussed on building a new future.

That is the first step, and it really is that simple.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Node JS - Project 2 - Bank Account

Hello! I'm back again!

In this project we want to be able to do the following things:

  1. Create new bank accounts
  2. Search for bank accounts
  3. Deposit and withdraw amounts
  4. Check account balances

In lesson 18 of The Complete Node JS Developer Course (check here for an update on my progress so far), the task was set out, and we had to go away and work through it independently. Lesson 19 is a step-by-step guide to a complete solution.

Getting Started

In lesson 18 we did the ground work for the project. This is the code we created to set the foundations:

We have created an empty array that will store all of the accounts, and there are some methods (or functions) that we can call on to make deposits, withdrawals, and check balances.

The Task

In the instructions we are told to create a new function called 'createAccount'. It's going to take an account object and store it in an array of accounts.

Each account object needs a 'balance', which should be a number, and a 'username', which should be a string.

The second function we're going to create is called 'getAccount' and takes one argument, which is 'username'.

The Solution


We start with the 'createAccount' function. It accepts one argument, which is the object 'account'.

Basically, what we've done there is create a function, 'createAccount', that takes an account object and pushes it into the accounts array.

Now we can work on our 'getAccount' function.


Within the function, we use forEach to iterate over the accounts and find any matching account.

We create a new variable called 'matchedAccount' within the function, which will store the account if a match is found.

Within the forEach, we want to check if the username of the account matches any of our accounts, so we create an if statement to do that. We then save the account to the matchedAccount variable that we created earlier.

We then return the matched account.


So, here's what we have so far:

Underneath that, we are going to create a new account.

New Account

We create a new account and save it to a variable. We then set that variable equal to createAccount, which is a function that expects an account object. The new object is created right within the function! Awesome! We give it a username and a balance. Yay!

Let's start as we mean to go on, and make a deposit into our account.


We'll be using that function we created earlier on lines 19 to 21. Here's a quick reminder:

Here's how we make a deposit into our new account:


We use console.log to keep track of things, and we do this with the getBalance function (also created earlier on lines 27 to 29):


Another old'un, but a good'un (on lines 23 to 25):

And here's how we use it:

getBalance makes another appearance :)


The star of the show!

Create a new variable called existingAccount, and set it equal to getAccount, with the username passed in. It accepts one argument, a string.

It will return the balance of the my account!

We can test it out by creating another account for Pinky.

To make sure that everything is working as it should do, we can log out both of the accounts that we have created so far, by simply doing the following:

That will log them both out to the terminal, with their usernames and balances. Beautiful!

Finally, let's create a new variable for the Pinky's account (like we did with my account earlier):

Here's a re-cap of that code from line 31 onwards:

And it's all done! Until the next time :)

Friday 5 February 2016

The Complete Node JS Developer Course - PROJECT 1 - Bank Acount

I started this Node.js course on Monday, and you can keep up to date with my progress here.

So far I've completed roughly 10% of the course, so at this rate I should be done within the next 9 weeks. Awesome!

The Course

This course is great because towards the end of every lesson there's a little challenge to try out, so you can practice what was covered. You pause the video, give it a go, and then resume video to see Andrew, the instructor, demonstrate how he would have done it.


Lesson 14 is when we tackle our first complete project! We create a simple bank account, which ties together everything that we've learned so far about variables, objects and functions. We are going to be building on that project over the next few lessons, but check out the code below to see what we've done so far.

And here's what it looks like when we print to the Terminal.

The opening balance is printed out first, followed by the closing balance after the withdrawal, so it's all working great!

I'll be posting daily updates about the Node.js course here, so check it out! :)

Sunday 31 January 2016

The 'Post-Office' Movement - More Than Just 'Working from Home'

The beauty of working from home is that I don't have to worry about getting up in the morning.

Now. You may be thinking that I am the laziest person in the world for making that statement, but it's not what you think.

Mondays Never Felt So Good!

I get up early in the morning to go rowing, and I am back home, showered and ready to work at the same time that most people arrive at the office. The only thing that's different is that I don't worry about getting up in the morning. I look forward to it! I love rowing, which kick-starts my day, and I really enjoy building up my small business.

If I work late into the night, I still wake up early and energised, full of enthusiasm the next morning because I love what i do and where I do it!

Travaille Sans Frontières (Work Without Borders)

The other great thing about working from home is that I can actually work from anywhere! I can work in any room of the house, or I can go rogue and work from a café, library, or anywhere that will have me! Before I moved from Warwick, a friend let me use one of the empty rooms in his office building in Leamington Spa whenever I needed a change of scenery. It was great!

'Post-Office'... Not a Post Office

There's a hilarious sketch on the Tracey Ullman show about this guy, an app developer, and he works from his local coffeeshop - although you'd think he owned the joint from the way he tries to monopolise the space and the staff! He has regular meetings in the coffeeshop where he pitches potential investors. In one of the sketches he says that he's 'Post-Office', which is quite confusing, seeing as his app has nothing to do with snail mail. When he's met with a bemused look from the potential investor, he clarifies that he is not a Post Office, but he's not confined to an office, therefore he is 'Post Office'.

I doubt this phrase will take off, but it is a good way of describing the situation for many people who say they work from home, but actually work from anywhere.

An Office Away From the Office...?

One of the main reasons that people like working from home is that it's different to working in an office. Yet they set up their home office to look exactly like the cubicle they were fleeing in the first place! Why create an office away from the office? The beauty of working from home is that you can work differently. I have a desk, but I rarely use it. My stationery, printer and files are in different places throughout my home, so it encourages me to walk about, and be spontaneous! I'm essentially hot-desking in my own home! I produce so much more now than I did when I used to spend 10 hours in an office everyday; because I am free to move around without worrying what my colleagues will think when they see me away from my desk so often; because I can have a two-hour lunch break when I feel like it; because I don't have to be political when I all I want is to do a great job.

Distraction Central

Dealing with distractions and interruptions is a problem whether you work from home or in an office. The way I deal with them at home is not for everyone.

I don't watch TV

In fact, I don't have a TV. I watch catch-up TV online if I hear about a great show that I want to check out. That way I am still completely in control of my time.

I say no to invitations

I am quite rigid about my time. If I already have plans, I am not changing them for anyone. If I have a goal that I want to achieve for that day, or that hour, then nothing will get in my way. But if I am available, I will only give my time to things that I am whole-heartedly interested in. Time is precious and I will not let anyone waste mine.

I put my phone on silent when I don't want to be disturbed

I will check my voicemails, emails and text messages at set times.

Make Yourself At Home

It's a fact well documented that many tech companies have great offices with slides, playrooms and nap-pods (which remind me of my days at Primary School). They're nothing like traditional offices. They make you feel comfortable, relaxed and 'at home'.

The new way of working is pretty much trying to recreate the home and leisure environment. So, embrace your home-working environment, and make yourself at home!

Saturday 30 January 2016

One Way Conversation? 8 Types of Twitter DM's Reviewed

When I follow some accounts on twitter, I often receive a Direct Message (DM) shortly afterwards. The messages I've received so far fall into one (or more) of the following categories:
  1. Hello and thank you for following
  2. Check out our website
  3. Check out our app
  4. Please answer this quick question
  5. Feel free to connect
  6. Check out my Facebook page / LinkedIn profile / other Social Media Profile
  7. Invitation to collaborate
  8. Motivational quote
Sometimes the sender makes it clear that the message is automated, other times it's a bit ambiguous, but sometimes the message has a distinctly personal touch and invites interaction.

But what is the etiquette regarding DM's? Or is there any?

For any brands out there who would like to improve their interaction with followers, here's a brief insight (for what it's worth) into how I deal with DM's.

1. Hello and thank you for following

I assume that it's an automated message and move on with my day. It doesn't leave a lasting impression.

2. Check out our website

Sometimes I click on the link, sometimes I don't. I also assume that these types of DM's are automated.

3. Check out our app

Again, I assume that the DM is automated. I usually click on the link and decide whether or not I need it in my life. The chances are, I followed you because your app sounds interesting, and I may have already clicked your link; so I will pay more attention to the DM in that case.

4. Please answer this quick question

I may or may not respond to these DM's. These ones tend to be worded in a way that is quite ambiguous in terms of whether or not they are automated or human. If I do respond, I will probably ask a relevant question of my own and await an answer. I do this partly to understand how much importance the brand places on engagement. If they respond, I don't know what I will do because this is yet to happen...

5. Feel free to connect

I assume that these are automated. Thoughtful, and good to know. Thanks.

6. Check out my Facebook page / LinkedIn profile / other Social Media Profile

Automated. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.

7. Invitation to collaborate

These tend to have a specific call to action, and I assume that they are automated. Sometimes they are clearly personalised, and I will investigate further / respond.

8. Motivational quote

Please and thank you. I will motivate right back!

Put that in your pipe and smoke it

So, that was a small (and probably useless) insight into my DM experiences. If you have any questions, ask away! :)

Friday 29 January 2016

Time to Celebrate! An Update on my JavaScript Journey

Back in December 2015, I set myself the challenge to Complete the Codecademy JavaScript course in one month (AND to code a binary search algorithm). When I finished the final lesson at 11pm on New Year's Eve it was brilliant! What better way to celebrate than by seeing in the new year! But I feel like I need to do something specifically to celebrate my achievement.

Rewards don't have to be synonymous with escapism

I could have a facial, or go out for a meal, but what has that got to do with programming? I feel like I should celebrate by using my new-found knowledge to create something.

A reward can be (and arguably should be) the furthering of a goal, so I have embarked on another challenge! It's taken me a month to figure out what to do (nothing like a bit of delayed gratification)! But now I have it! I've set myself another challenge: To create five JavaScript apps in five months! Wish me luck! :)