So far I've completed roughly 10% of the course, so at this rate I should be done within the next 9 weeks. Awesome!
The Course
This course is great because towards the end of every lesson there's a little challenge to try out, so you can practice what was covered. You pause the video, give it a go, and then resume video to see Andrew, the instructor, demonstrate how he would have done it.
Lesson 14 is when we tackle our first complete project! We create a simple bank account, which ties together everything that we've learned so far about variables, objects and functions. We are going to be building on that project over the next few lessons, but check out the code below to see what we've done so far.
And here's what it looks like when we print to the Terminal.
The opening balance is printed out first, followed by the closing balance after the withdrawal, so it's all working great!
I'll be posting daily updates about the Node.js course here, so check it out! :)